Hi, my name is Michelle, and I run this page, as well as my two advocacy pages which I will note below. I’m an advocate for those who have been falsely accused, wrongfully incarcerated or even wrongfully convicted of non-crime crimes based on the misdiagnosis of medical child abuse/SBS. And most importantly I’m the Tita and the voice for my heavenly grandbaby Elijah Tre Clay and mother to my son to Tre’ Clay.

What is a non-crime crime. A crime that NEVER happened!!!

Since January of 2021 I have been fighting a corrupt system that has medically kidnapped my grandbaby and stole my son.

What is medically kidnapped?? Well, it’s when someone is or has faced medical misdiagnoses. In this case the misdiagnoses of “child abuse” by doctors.

Experts have found that there are at least 80 and counting preexisting conditions that mimic (SBS/Abusive head trauma).

These cases are sadly common and continue to seperate children from their loving families & even put a lot of innocent people behind bars even though science has evolved disproving the SBS & abusive head trauma theory.

There needs to be a change in the medical field as doctors are still being trained to wrongfully misdiagnose these supposed SBS cases. It’s absolutely disgusting.

I will NOT allow innocent people to continue being falsely accused & convicted of crimes based on junk science & no scientific evidence. I can NOT sit back & allow the system to continue medically kidnapping innocent families.

Child abuse is real and is NOT ok & is devastating, however, falsely accusing loving innocent parents of child abuse is also devastating & NOT ok. 

I will continue to fight for the truth & for justice for Tre’ & Elijah!! ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽

STOP medically kidnapping innocent families & stop misdiagnosing our loved ones, especially our babies!!!!!!!!!


FB page: Elijah’s TRUTH Journey

IG: justice_for_tre_clay

Email: peacelovejustice4all@hotmail.com

Wishing everyone peace, love, and justice.

