Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is one of many mimics being used to wrongfully misdiagnose babies/children with medical child abuse. 

What is EDS?
EDS is a group of inherited disorders that affect your connective tissues — primarily your skin, joints, and blood vessel walls. Connective tissue is a complex mixture of proteins and other substances that provide strength and elasticity to the underlying structures in your body.
Different types of EDS are associated with a variety of genetic causes, some of which are inherited and passed on from parent to child. If you have the most common form, hypermobile EDS, there’s a 50% chance that you’ll pass on the gene to each of your children.
Complications depend on the types of signs and symptoms you have. For example, overly flexible joints can result in joint dislocations and early-onset arthritis. Fragile skin may develop prominent scarring.
People who have vascular EDS are at risk of often fatal ruptures of major blood vessels. Some organs, such as the uterus and intestines, also may rupture. Pregnancy can increase the risk of a rupture in the uterus.
If you have a personal or family history of EDS and you’re thinking about starting a family, you may benefit from talking to a genetic counselor — a health care professional trained to assess the risk of inherited disorders. Genetic counseling can help you understand the inheritance pattern of the type of EDS that affects you and the risks it poses for your children.
All parents/families want is for Dr.’s especially pediatricians who are training in child abuse pediatric, now that it’s board certified, is to make sure they have the adequate training outside of child abuse and keep up on the conditions and the environmental conditions and the safety factors out there that can hurt children that have NOTHING to do w/ abuse.
Doctors need to ensure they are NOT misdiagnosing and accusing families of abuse when there is no abuse. Doctors need to protect our loved ones, particularly a child that may have had a previously undiagnosed condition.